When heart matters more than matters of the heart!

29th September is celebrated as World Heart Day, a day when healthcare professionals the world over draw attention to the most important organ of the body. We too can do our bit to raise awareness of the possible warning indicators. Read on… It’s 29th September, and you wake up to your daily newspaper endorsing the ‘healthiest’ heart oil brand; your office conducts activities that ensure that you have a ‘healthy heart’; you are inundated with promo SMS’s offering you an attractive discount on health check-up packages; or your neighbourhood gym hounds you to sign-up for a membership. While every other person can give you information overload on the do’s and dont’s for a healthy heart, as India’s leading IVD Company, we thought it would be a good idea to let you know what we are best at; giving you solutions for the early diagnosis to prevent heart disease. It’s all in the blood! Without underplaying the importance of a healthy lifestyle, we would like to bring t...