COVID-19: Routine hematology parameters play a significant role in diagnosis

It is interesting to know how a routine blood test can give the clinician a plethora of information! Pathologists the world over are relying on various hematology parameters for severity assessment of COVID-19. Renowned scientific and clinical publications have now concluded that various biochemistry and hematology parameters play an essential role in the early detection, prognosis and management of COVID-19. Significant reduction in absolute Lymphocyte count and Hemoglobin, is associated with the increase in total WBC count, absolute Neutrophil count, ESR, Prothrombin Time, D-Dimer, C-Reactive Protein and Pro-calcitonin. Additionally, various routine biochemical parameters also get deranged and signify the severity and poor prognosis. These lab findings, especially elevated Ferritin levels, suggest an imminent ‘Cytokine Storm’ which might lead to complications like Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), Pneumonia and Multi-organ Failure (MOD). Elevated troponins & CK-MB signi...